AuthorTravis Kirton
Tags advanced, animation, random, movement
This example introduces techniques for creating layered, random animations. Here is a short list of things you should learn:
override func setup() { //create 3 arrays of shapes var bottom = [Circle]() var middle = [Circle]() var top = [Circle]() //generate 40 "cells" for _ in 1...40 { //calculate the smallest radius of the current cell let r = Double(random(min: 8, max: 16)) //create 3 layers for the cell bottom.append(Circle(center:, radius: r * 2)) middle.append(Circle(center:, radius: r * 1.5)) top.append(Circle(center:, radius: r)) } //style the bottom layer of each cell for c in bottom { c.lineWidth = 0 c.fillColor = C4Pink canvas.add(c) } //style the middle layers of each cell for c in middle { c.lineWidth = 0 canvas.add(c) } //style the top layer of each cell for c in top { c.lineWidth = 0 c.fillColor = C4Purple canvas.add(c) } //wait a little bit to get going... wait(1.0) { for i in 0..<bottom.count { self.move((bottom[i], middle[i], top[i])) } } } //a cell is made up of 3 shapes, so move the all! func move(shapes: (Circle, Circle, Circle)) { //create a random duration, between 1 and 4 seconds let d = random01()*3 + 1 //create a random radius for the length of movement let r = (180 - shapes.0.width/2) * random01() //create a random angle let 𝝧 = random01() * 2 * M_PI //generate a target point using polar coordinates, centered on the canvas let point = Point(r * cos(𝝧), r * sin(𝝧)) + Vector( //create animation for the bottom part of the cell let b = ViewAnimation(duration: d) { = point } //offset this animation by 1/20th of a second b.delay = 0.05 //when the bottom has finished moving... b.addCompletionObserver { //wait for a random amount of time, up to 1 second wait(random01()) { //move everything again self.move(shapes) } } //create animation for the middle part of the cell let m = ViewAnimation(duration: d) { = point } //offset this animation by 1/40th of a second m.delay = 0.025 //create animation for the top part of the cell let t = ViewAnimation(duration: d) { = point } //trigger all the animations let group = ViewAnimationGroup(animations: [b, m, t]) group.animate() }