AuthorTravis Kirton
Tags math, interaction
This example shows the effect of the tan() function.
let result = tan(value)
To run this example you need to include the MathComparePaths.swift file in your project.
let example = MathComparePaths(frame: canvas.frame) { var points = [Point]() var x = 0.0 repeat { let y = clamp(tan(x), min: -M_PI, max: M_PI) let mx = map(x, min: 0, max: 2*M_PI, toMin: 0, toMax: 1) let my = map(y, min: -M_PI, max: M_PI, toMin: -1, toMax: 1) * -1.0 points.append(Point(mx, my)) x += 2 * M_PI/1000.0 } while x < 2 * M_PI return (points, points) } canvas.add(example)