AuthorTravis Kirton
Tags shapes, line cap
You can change the lineCap of a shape by setting its respective property:
shape.lineCap = .Square
The default width of a line is .Round.
There are 3 options for you to set:
.Butt .Round .Square
override func setup() { setupLines() setupGridLines() setupLabels() } func setupLines() { //create and style the first line (no need to set the lineCap because we show the default here) let dy = Vector(x: 0, y: canvas.height/4.0) var points = (Point(canvas.width/4, 0) + dy, Point(canvas.width*3/4, 0) + dy) let line1 = Line(points) line1.lineWidth = 30.0 //create and style the second line points.0 += dy points.1 += dy let line2 = Line(points) line2.strokeColor = C4Blue line2.lineWidth = 30.0 line2.lineCap = .Square //create and style the third line points.0 += dy points.1 += dy let line3 = Line(points) line3.strokeColor = C4Pink line3.lineWidth = 30.0 line3.lineCap = .Butt //add all the lines to the canvas canvas.add(line1) canvas.add(line2) canvas.add(line3) } func setupGridLines() { //set the points for the first grid line var points = (Point(canvas.width/4, 0), Point(canvas.width/4, canvas.height)) //create the first line and style it with width and a dash pattern let gridLine1 = Line(points) gridLine1.lineDashPattern = [2] //create the second line and style it with width and a dash pattern let dx = Vector(x:, y: 0) points.0 += dx points.1 += dx let gridLine2 = Line(points) gridLine2.lineDashPattern = [2] //add the lines to the canvas canvas.add(gridLine1) canvas.add(gridLine2) } func setupLabels() { //create a font to use for all the labels let f = Font(name: "Helvetica", size:20)! //create, style and add the first label, with text describing its lineCap type let dy = Vector(x: 0, y: canvas.height/4.0) var l = TextShape(text: ".Round", font: f)! l.fillColor = white = - dy canvas.add(l) //create, style and add the second label, with text describing its lineCap type l = TextShape(text: ".Square", font: f)! l.fillColor = white = canvas.add(l) //create, style and add the third label, with text describing its lineCap type l = TextShape(text: ".Butt", font: f)! l.fillColor = white = + dy canvas.add(l) }