AuthorTravis Kirton
Tags shapes, line, dash phase, animation
On a circle, the dash pattern will overlap at the begin/end of the shape’s circumference (i.e. where the stroke start and end meet).
//create the circle and center it let circle = Circle(center:, radius: 150) circle.lineWidth = 10.0 circle.fillColor = Color(UIColor.clearColor()) //create a dash pattern var dashPattern = [Double]() let circumference = M_PI * circle.width for i in 1..<Int(circumference) { dashPattern.append(Double(i)) } circle.lineDashPattern = dashPattern //add the line to the canvas self.canvas.add(circle) //animate it after a short wait let a = ViewAnimation(duration:180) { circle.strokeColor = C4Pink //set the final dash phase to the entire width of the pattern circle.lineDashPhase = dashPattern.reduce(0, combine: +) } a.autoreverses = true a.animate()
Check out the way we use reduce to calculate the sum of the entire pattern array.